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8th international EMI Entrepreneurship & Social Sciences Congress

17-19 November 2022, Aksaray – Cappadocia / Türkiye

The 8th International EMI Entrepreneurship Social Sciences Congress which has been held since 2018 in the fields of managerial and social sciences will be held on 17-19 November 2022 hosted by Aksaray Science Center as hybrid (face-to-face and online) in Aksaray-Cappadocia which hosts the unique beauties of Turkey and the World.


Our congress contributes to the development of academic, social and cultural capital with the participation of academics, entrepreneurs, artists, public and private sector managers. In this context, a tour to the Aksaray-Cappadocia region will be organized within the scope of the Congress.

8th EMI Congress is organized in cooperation with BAIBU, TEAM University, Cambridge International University, Jizzakh State Pedagogical Institute (Uzbekistan), Eastern Mediterranean University (TRNC), University of Stavanger (Norway), Vizyon University (N. Macedonia), Istanbul Nişantaşı University and Turan University (Kazakhstan), World Trade Business Development Council, Aksaray Municipility Sciience Center. 


In our previous congresses, 1357 papers prepared by a total of 2117 academicians were presented, and an average of 25 countries and 100 institutions/universities participated in each congress. Each submitted paper is published in the "Abstract Book and Proceedings Book" with ISBN and a "Certificate of Participation" is presented. The "Best Paper Award" is presented to the papers selected by the evaluation board.


In order to participate in our congress, where original scientific studies from every field will be accepted, you must register by logging in to; an extended abstract about 5-10 pages must be uploaded by 15 October 2022.

We will be honored by your participation and contribution.

Congress chair: Prof. Dr. Himmet KARADAL (whatsapp +90 506 466 0077).

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